Experience Excellence in Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery at Foot Clinic Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, PC

Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM

Podiatrist & Ankle and Foot Surgeon located in Wheeling, IL

If you're seeking expert care for foot and ankle issues, look no further than Foot Clinic Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, PC, located at 505 N Wolf RD, Wheeling, IL 60090, United States. Dr. Anthony Spitz is a trusted podiatrist renowned for his expertise in minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery. Let's explore how Dr. Spitz and his team can help you achieve optimal foot health and mobility through advanced surgical techniques.

Understanding Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery

Minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery involves performing surgical procedures with smaller incisions and specialized instruments. Compared to traditional open surgery, minimally invasive techniques offer several advantages, including:

  • Reduced risk of complications
  • Faster recovery times
  • Minimal scarring
  • Less post-operative pain and discomfort

Dr. Anthony Spitz is board-certified in minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, demonstrating his commitment to providing patients with the most advanced and effective treatment options available.

Why Choose Dr. Anthony Spitz for Minimally Invasive Surgery?

As a trusted podiatrist, Anthony Spitz, DPM, is dedicated to delivering exceptional care and optimal outcomes for his patients. With extensive experience and specialized training in minimally invasive techniques, Dr. Spitz offers the following benefits:

  • Expertise: Dr. Anthony Spitz is a recognized expert in minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, staying abreast of the latest advancements and techniques in the field.
  • Customized Treatment Plans: Each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes and patient satisfaction.
  • Compassionate Care: Dr. Spitz and his team prioritize patient comfort, education, and support throughout the surgical process, from pre-operative consultations to post-operative care.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Foot Clinic Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, PC, is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced surgical tools to provide patients with the highest quality of care.

Conditions Treated with Minimally Invasive Surgery

Dr. Anthony Spitz specializes in a wide range of foot and ankle conditions treated with minimally invasive surgery, including:

  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Neuromas
  • Foot and ankle arthritis
  • Tendon injuries

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery

  • Faster Recovery: Minimally invasive techniques typically result in shorter recovery times compared to traditional open surgery, allowing patients to return to their daily activities sooner.
  • Less Discomfort: Smaller incisions and reduced tissue trauma mean less post-operative pain and discomfort for patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery.
  • Improved Cosmesis: Minimally invasive surgery results in minimal scarring, providing better cosmetic outcomes and enhancing patient satisfaction.
  • Preservation of Healthy Tissue: Minimally invasive techniques allow for precise surgical intervention while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue, promoting better overall foot and ankle function.

Your Trusted Partner in Foot and Ankle Health

At Foot Clinic Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, PC, patients receive comprehensive care and personalized attention from a team dedicated to their well-being. Whether you're struggling with chronic foot pain or seeking treatment for a specific condition, Dr. Anthony Spitz and his team are here to help you achieve lasting relief and improved quality of life.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Don't let foot and ankle issues hold you back from living your best life. Experience the difference that expert care and minimally invasive surgery can make in your foot and ankle health. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Anthony Spitz at Foot Clinic Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, PC, located in Wheeling, IL 60090, and take the first step towards a healthier, more active lifestyle.


When it comes to expert care and innovative solutions in minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, trust the expertise of Dr. Anthony Spitz and his team at Foot Clinic Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, PC. With a commitment to excellence and a patient-centered approach, Dr. Spitz is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal foot and ankle health. Schedule your consultation today and experience the difference firsthand.

Advanced Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails: Experience Relief at Foot Clinic Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, PC
Experience Excellence in Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery at Foot Clinic Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, PC
Comprehensive Hammertoe Surgery Solutions: Trust Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, Your Dedicated Podiatrist in Wheeling, IL 60090
Comprehensive Bunion Surgery Solutions: Trust Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM, Your Dedicated Podiatrist in Wheeling, IL 60090

Office Hours:








10:00 am - 7:00 pm

10:00 am - 5:00 pm

(Every Other) 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

10:00 am - 5:00 pm

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

(Every Other) 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


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